Su jeong Shin-Goldbach






1974                         born in Seoul, South Korea

1993 - 1998              studied painting, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea  (With the degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts)

1999 - 2005              studied Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts Münster, Germany

                                 Under Professor Gunther Keusen and Prof. Daniele Buetti

Since 2007                lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany


2004                         „Master Student“ under Professor Gunther Keusen




Awards and promotions:


1994, 1996                Ewha– Scholarship

2004                          Travel bursary Münster Kunstakademie, Münster, Germany

2006                          Songeun Arts & Cultural Foundation Scholarship

2007                          Open Contest- Art in public areas „Der Blaue-Nacht (The Blue Night)“, Nürnberg, Germany

2009                          Song Eun Art Awards  2009 (Recognition) Seoul, South Korea

2009                          Open Contest- Art in public areas „Der Blaue-Nacht (The Blue Night)“, Nürnberg, Germany

2010                          1.Ruhrbiennale, The Cultural Department of the Korean Embassy in Berlin, Germany

2011                          Sponsorship for the Performance “His Garden” at the arts association in Leverkusen by GWK, 2011

2013                          Sponsorship for the Performance “Good Night“, The Cultural Department of the Korean   Embassy in

                                  Berlin, Germany

2016                          ANTHOLOGY 2016, LONG LIST, CHARLIE SMITH LONDON, London UK

2016                          Artavita’s 21st Online Art Contest 2016, finalists, CA, US

2018                          Finalists of SPECTRUM - Miami Art Fair Contest by Circle Foundation for the Arts, Lyon, FR

2021                          Finalists of SPECTRUM - Brooklyn Art Fair Contest by Circle Foundation for the Arts, Lyon, FR

2022                          Finalists of ArtExpo New York Contest  - Art Fair Contest by Circle Foundation for the

                                  Arts,Lyon, FR


Selected exhibitions:


2025                      Frauenmuseum, Bonn, Germany


2024                         Künstlerhaus Sootbörn, Hamburg, Germany


2023                         plan.d. produzentengalerie e.V., Düsseldorf, Germany


                                 70th Anniversary Seoul Arts High School Alumni Exhibition, Seoul, South Korea


                                  ART LAB LOS ANGELES, California, USA


                                  Die Große Kunstausstellung NRW Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany


2022                          URBANSIDE GALLERY,  Zurich, Switzerland


                                  Kunst des Scheiterns, PETER-WEISS-HAUS E.V., Rostock, Germany


2021                          2021 SWISSARTEXPO, SBB Eventhall Zürich Main Station, Zurich, Switzerland


                                  Die Große Kunstausstellung NRW Düsseldorf 20/21, Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf, Germany


                                  Artbox.Project Barcelona 1.0, VALID WORLD HALL Barcelona, Spain


                                  ARTBOX.PROJECT WORLD 1.0, Switzerlands


2020                          SWISS ART EXPO, ARTBOX.PROJECT ZÜRICH 2.0, SBB Eventhall Zürich Main Station, Zurich,



2019                          ARTBOX.PROJECT Miami 2.0. Miami, US


                                  plan.d. produzentengalerie e.V., Düsseldorf, Germany


                                  SWISSARTEXPO, Zürich, Switzerland


2018                          The  International Contemporary Art in Bruges at BIENNAL of Flanders, Belgium


                                  ARTBOX.SCREEN, Zurich, Switzerland


                                  WOMAN’S ESSENCE SHOW, Madrid, Spain


                                  ARTBOX.PROJECT NEW YORK 1.0, NYC, New York, US


2017                          "CLIO ART FAIR“, NYC, New York, US


                                  „ArtBoxBasel 1.0“, EuroAirport, Basel, Switzerland


                                  2. Biennal Arts Barcelona, The MEAM (European Museum of Modern Art of Barcelona),

                                  Barcelona, Spain


                                  Artexpo New York 2017, New York, US


                                  The Biennale Peschiera del Garda, Caserma dell'Artiglieria Palace, VR, Italy


                                  INTERNATIONAL AWARD CRISTOFORO COLOMBO

                                  Auditorium of Genova Aquarium, Genova, Italy


                                  Die Große Kunstausstellung NRW Düsseldorf, Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf, Germany


2016                          The ARTBOX.PROJECT Miami 1.0. the Art Weeks Miami, FL, US


                                  Art San Diego 2016, CA, US


                                  INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY ART EXHIBITION,  ArT Venice 2016

                                  Isola San Servolo Exhibition hall Grecale building, Venice, Italy


                                  Die Große Kunstausstellung NRW Düsseldorf, Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf, Germany


2015                          „Prophet Elijah“, at the music pavilion in the city garden Krefeld, Germany


                                  International Contemporary Art Exhibition, ART PRO 2015, ArT Studio, Venice, Italy


2014                          Performance, >Good Night<, OSTRALE´014, Dresden, Germany


                                  Performance, >Duo<, Große Kunstausstellung NRW Düsseldorf,

                                  Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf, Germany


                                  Performance, Installation, International Outdoor Art Exhibition DMZ: Demilitarized Zone in Korea Art

                                  Festival 2014, South Korea



2013                          Performance, Installation >Good Night<, Große Kunstausstellung NRW Düsseldorf,

                                  Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf, Germany


                                  Performance >Duo<, "Made in Düsseldorf", FFT and Theatermuseum, Düsseldorf, Germany


                                  Gangwon Environmental Installation Art Invitational Exhibition, Gangwon, Southkorea



2012                          Performance >A Studio<, Honigbrot, gallery house ads1a, Cologne, Germany


                                  International Movie-Night on Nothing, geh 8 Kunstraum, Dresden, Germany



2011                          >Blind date with Baldessari /Projects and Assignments< Saprophyt, Vienna, Austria


                                  >Performance >A Song<, Horse Stud Berner riding hall, Edendorf/Bienenbüttel, Germany


                                  >yourspace<, The Leverkusen Art Association, Castle Morsbroich e. V. Germany




                                  SAINT-PETERSBURG "MANEGE" SAINT-PETERSBURG, RUSSIA


                                  Performance >>The Stage<<, with Violine: Myung Eun Lee, Gummersbach, Germany


                                  Performance “Good Night”, Liebfrauenkirche Duisburg (The Church of Our Lady in Duisburg)

                                  Duisburg, 1. Ruhrbiennale, Germany



2009                          Performance „The Game“– / “Open Contest- Art in public areas „Die Blaue-Nacht

                                  (The Blue Night) 2009”, the historical City Hall, Nürnberg, Germany


                                  Performance „DUS - INC - DUS",

                                  “The 9th. Songeun Arts Award”, Insa Art center, Seoul, South Korea, Düsseldorf, Germany,



                                  Performance “The length of our days is seventy years or eighty, if we have the  strength; yet

                                  their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.”_/ “Pretty hill / claims 3”

                                  – Arts-Projekt Kaliberg-Empelde“, Hanover, Germany


2008                          “düsseldorf repariert“ Ballhaus, Düsseldorf, Germany


                                  “Scholls Haus”, competition "watermark" for the 200th anniversary of the city of Mülheim an der Ruhr,




2007                          Performance “Good Night" – / “Open Contest- Art in public areas “Die Blaue-Nacht

                                  (The Blue Night) 2007”, the historical City Hall, Nürnberg, Germany


                                  Short film “ritual“ 3:39:10 – / “18. Bielefeld Film and Video competition“,Bielefeld, Germany



2006                          Installation & Performance „B.F Furniture Gallery"

                                  Songeun Gallery, Songeun Arts & Cultural Foundation, Seoul, South Korea


2005                          Performance “The rehearsal (Die Probe)", Topohaus, Seoul, South Korea


                                  Performance “she is typing ", SEO CAFE, Seoul, South Korea (Solo exhibition)


2004                          Performance “The Necklace“_ / “Friendly Game“ Dolmabahce-Museum, Istanbul, Turkey


2003                          Performance “Earth song“_ / Academy of Fine Arts Münster, Münster, Germany


2002                          Performance “The sleeping wall “_ / ”TIME. Forum for Contemporary Art V“,

                                  Bielefeld Arts Association, Museum Waldhof, Bielefeld, Germany



